We are Organisational Psychologists/Management Consultants who help individuals, teams and organisations

- Manage Stress
- Build Resilience
- Resolve Workplace Conflict

We have skills in analysing and changing work environments to ones that are positive,
clear, focused and more productive.


Who We Are

psychologist with patientOur select group of work psychologists collectively have over 140 years of experience in consulting, training and coaching across a range of public and private sector organizations.


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What We Do

psychologists discussion

We coach, consult, facilitate and run workshops in:

Work Stress Management

Resilience Development

Leadership Skills

Conflict Resolution
 Learn More


How We Can Help You

Enable you to cost effectively develop the skills and capability of people at all levels and in all locations in your organization.

Improve your organisational performance through coaching and developing teams.

Provide employees (and their families) with the skills to adjust to working with and in different cultures and work environments.

Assist people to become more self-aware, self-sufficient and satisfied in their jobs.

Click here for a link to our archived newsletters, which cover topical workplace issues.

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